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The rocker

sadist, irritating, lame, retarded...
sad..going 16..
Always 02 !

What i like

New clothes
My guitars
Hanging out
Playing guitar

What i want to get rid of

Certain type of Veg...Yucks
People that suck up to others..
Being bossed around.
Being kept in the dark
Being dumb.

What i desire

New clothes [nv enuff:)]
New shoes [wants more!]>
New bag
New wallet
New com..
New golf bag
New set of golf clubs
Golf handicap below 20
More ppl tagging mi!!
Straight A1s in eoys [will never get]
Council badge

Song that rocks

by Funeral for a friend

The box that rocks

Others who rock

|Wen wei|
|Yu En|
|Si Min|

You rock

Designer: Here
Brush: Here

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Finally exams are over, GREAT!
Even better, I'm screwing up my results! WTF!
Never mind school sucks.
But at least now slacker cause no more exams to screw.
Highlights of last week:
Thursday we had the coolest assembly in my life
When we were greeting edmund teo on stage halfway then suddenly,
a fire extinguisher fell at the back and the smoke just filled the whole audi
those at the back got stained white by the powder, we have to evacuate the place la
DAM COOL, end up we had assembly in kkh, can just lie down and sleep shoik.
We had aphelion night and it was dam bloody high when we were up there dancing
cause we had the highest performance for that night
then suddenly we were all called out to say that sunita, our form teacher,
was dam pissed and she cried and say she dun wan be our form teacher anymore.
WTH sia, that just brought everyone's mood down.
For the entire night we were like emoing about, went back audi and just sat there.
dc, adc, school counsellor all came to talk to us and just try to set things right.
Still, we don't know what to expect next.
Well, just ran 3.2 km just now near my house.
hai, go sleep le

Will i still be alive when i wake up?

rock off at 9:48 PM ;

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year,
said that i will blog after switchfoot so here i am
ok i decided to try and blog with less dots.
by the way, this is my new skin and the new song by Funeral for a Friend is super nice
oh ya, speaking of switchfoot, their concert was quite ownage
i din't really like firefight, just not my type.
lazy to upload photos so if you missed the concert? too bad.
well gtg

rock off at 8:12 PM ;

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Its dam crazy there la.. the queue from expo hall 10 all the way to hall 7 and to the road..
We have no choice but to detach the barrier at the front and cut the queue..
if not i dont think we can see anyting lor... then a group of malays went to blow condoms when they were waiting at the free standing area for MCR to come out.. crazy...
anyway, i went to watch with jy, ryan and galen... we bought the free standing tix..
but honestly, MCR live performance is so cool la... and they are quite good..
unlike other bands like maroon 5, they totally rocked...
they sang alot of songs and ended off with famous last words...
the atmosphere there was freaking high.. it was fun...
siao we cheer until no voice le la.. and about half deaf from all the screaming and MCR...
btw Bob the drummer from MCR was not there so i think they got a substitute...
overall i am glad i din't miss their first performance in Singapore cause its awesome..
Their lighting and special effects was dam nice la...
MCR rox!!
Here's some photos..

The pictures are quite blur cause cant really take when everyone's jumping..
lol.. cheers..

rock off at 10:29 AM ;

Saturday, December 08, 2007

wa long time no blog le.. sian...
holidays have been ok so far... yesterday was quite nice...
went to nsrcc yesterday cause initially we booked a golf game at 5pm but because of the rain then can't play... so we cancelled the flight and went to play billard...
haha. personally i think i dont really have the potential in the game..
after that went to do massage with my parents...
felt dam relaxed after that la.. song..
then had some snacks at the poolside cafe and headed of to united square for dinner..
on the way there some fucker went to knock into our bumper from the back la..
ccb my father went down and nearly scolded that guy la...
but decided to let it go since nothing much happened to th car.. just some scratches...
lol.. if its me, i would have owned that guy...
well today juz went for guitar lesson and my bro is really into magic these days..
his tricks not bad la.. quite awesome.. he spent forty plus on a deck of black poker cards and 200 foot of magician elastic string.. lol..
i rather use the money and change my guitar strings..

rock off at 8:11 PM ;

Friday, November 16, 2007

i am back!!... haha.. i actually survived the one month there la..
cant believe it... i dont really like the people there la.. they are like super rude...
taking photo they just walk across.. jonny have to scold the person then he move la.. wth..
and they abuse pets.. i see alot of people selling small puppies in a bag la...
they just dump all the puppies in one bag and sell them.. wtf sia...
somemore its so cold.. then just leave them there for display.. bastards...
we saw this owner who tie a cat to a 1.5l bottle of water so that the cat cannot run away la..
its just totally crazy la.. we wanted to go up and scold that guy la.. but better not cause trouble in some foreign alien country... me jy alan and wudi went to buy beer there and drink la.. dam song... it feels dam good drinking beer in that kind of weather... lucky never get caught...
but still, glad i'm home... still love the tropical weather here...
those still in beijing... all the best to u guys..
well.. signing off...

rock off at 9:59 PM ;

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

hello long time no see.... sian dam hard to gain access to blogger here la...
8 more days to my singapore home... oh and i am out of RMB...
sian.. now i need change my sing bucks.. haha..
spent dam alot of money eating in restaurants la... sian..
now i need to save save and save until weekend then i will for shopping spree..
spend all my money cause its the last weekend in china le...
ok some photos...

Shopping spree........

So dam long ago.. but who cares...

This is the ceiling lamp in the peking duck restaurant la... dont think otherwise...

yesterday's trip to great wall.... the anti-no.4s
well thats it guess.. need to eat my chipsmore cookies...
by the way.. alot of people here kena food poisoning..
alan vomit like 20 plus times.. and our room actually all survived... phew..
lets hope it is not only for the time being...
ok signing off... next post should be when i come back..

rock off at 7:52 PM ;

Monday, October 22, 2007

i am in beijing now la.... its night study session now but apparently i am blogging and slacking now...
later i think will play awhile cs... first week was ok la, quite slack though.. quite alot of shopping places that we went to.. haha.. bought quite alot of stuff...
its so dam cheap here la... bargain like 50% of the price la.. dam song..
the dorm is quite ok.. its more of a lan shop to us than a DORM...
i am still trying to get used to the local food sold in the canteen here la..
the liquid food here is almost inedible but the rest is quite ok but its all the same everyday...
theres only internet in the classroom so thats quite bad...
just now at night went to the peking duck restaurant for dinner...
its dam cheap and the food is dam nice... DAM SONG...
took quite alot of photos but i will only post a few... if not i think the whole blogger will crash..

thats a photo of us in the uniform lying on the table..
it was a tired morning from the flight...

tianan men photo.. look weird cause of the super strong sunlight...

this is edmund's cute laptop mouse... nice right?

ok this is our so dam messy dorm room... just a typical guys' room...
oh teacher just came in and saw me.. but lucky he din do a thing..
and congratz to me.. i can be promoted to sec 4.... YES!!!..
an msg of 3.22 gave me this promotion.... haha..like once in a lifetime...
ok think i better sign off...

rock off at 7:17 PM ;